Terms of Use
Thank you for using www.goldcoast-map.com (the "Website").
This page states the terms under which you may use the Website. By accessing the Website you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms.
A. Intellectual property
The content of the Website, including but not limited to text, data, graphics, logos, software and trademarks are the property of the Website and are protected by copyright and other laws. The Website does not tolerate copyright infringement and will actively pursue any known infringement to the full extent of the law.
B. Restrictions on use
You may not copy, reproduce, republish, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, download, broadcast, transmit, or otherwise use the Website content in any way except for your own personal or business use. Nor may you use the Website to create, amend, update or verify any databases, directories, customer lists, mailing lists or other records.
C. Website Warranties
The Website does not guarantee the timeliness, completeness or performance of the Website or any of the content. While we try to ensure that all content featured on the Website is correct at the time of publication, no responsibility is accepted by the Website for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content on the Website.
We will not be liable for any loss or damage, financial or otherwise as a result of you using the information provided on the Website, nor does the Website guarantee the suitability or quality of any products or services featured on the Website.
The Website does not warrant that access to the Website or the features on the Website will be uninterrupted or error free. Nor does the Website warrant that the server on which the Website is based is free of Viruses or other harmful code.
D. Advertising your business on the Website
The Information you provide in relation to your business must be accurate and truthful. You must have the permission of the copyright owner for any data, images, videos or media which you provide the Website.
E. Member Accounts
We reserve the right to send you certain communications relating to your listing/advertisement/membership, such as service announcements and administrative messages without offering you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving them.
You may not use, or allow others to use, your membership, details, registration, listing, or advertisement to:
• Post any content that is abusive or defamatory or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person.
• Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or entity.
F. Membership Advertising
1. General
a) Factual claims or offers made must be credible, current, and accurate. Misleading or inaccurate advertisements/listings will be rejected.
b) The website link included in your advert must be relevant to the text of the advert.
c) Members must not promote any products or services which are illegal in Estonia, the European Union, and Australia.
d) Members must not contain links to harmful websites, malware, spyware or anything similar.
e) Members agree to be promoted and advertised on our social media pages with their company name, trade name, company description, company logo, brand logo or other company pictures as provides to us.
2. Image Guidelines
a) Any images which you upload with your advert must be your own property or you must have permission from the owner of the image to use it for advertising purposes.
b) Copyrighted or trademarked images or text are not permitted unless you or your company owns the relevant copyright or trademark.
c) Images must be suitable for all ages to view.
d) Images must be relevant to the text content of the advert.
e) Images must not be displayed sideways or upside down.
f) Images must be of reasonably good quality - blurred, unclear or unrecognizable images will not be accepted.
3. Text Guidelines
a) The text of your advert must be written in English and obey the basic rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation. Our content team will correct obvious spelling or grammatical errors and will remove excess or inappropriate punctuation (e.g. !!!!).
b) Listings must not be written in BLOCK CAPITALS. Our content team will edit listings to remove any inappropriate use of upper case text.
c) Your listing title has to be either the company name, branch name or brand name.
4. Membership
a) Refunds for paid Membership purchases can be requested within 2 days of the purchase date, provided you have a valid reason to cancel your Membership.
b) There are systems in place to counter 'false' impressions. We do everything we can to prevent such activity. If you believe someone is attempting to fake impressions of your company(name), please get in touch with us.
G. Reviews
Reviews can be written by both users and members of the website.
Even though we support freedom of internet, democarcy and freedom of speech, we do have some basic rules on the website for review writers.
Below are some of the most important guidelines for review writers:
a) Defamation is not allowed.
b) Leaving a negative review is not allowed.
c) Only reviews written in English are allowed.
d) Cursing and swearing is not allowed.
e) Writing in BLOCK CAPITALS is not allowed.
H. General
If you see any content on the site that is incorrect, is illegal or breaches anyone else's rights, please contact us.
The Website may change, alter or modify these Terms at any time. Any changes to these Terms will be posted on the Website. If you do not agree to Terms on this page, you should cease use of the Website and/or cease your Membership.
The Website
Owner contact email: info@goldcoast-map.com
Main Street
St. Kitts & Nevis
Created on August 16, 2021
Latest update: November 4, 2024